graphic design
220g/ 7oz
So, the economy has taken a bit of a down turn and everyone seems to be
in a bit of a panic…
Where can you find enough of that special ingredient to not only help
you ride the storm but enable you to thrive in the face of adversity?...
Fruitcake is designed to feed your business in an undernourished
economy, With a list of ingredients exclusively designed to suit your
particular palate.
220g/ 7oz
large teaspoon
a pinch
rounded tablespoon
200ml/ 7floz
1 cup
We are a bunch of fruitcakes that thrive on creating visual food for an undernuorished design starved corporate community
Please feed your senses on examples of the work we've done, and get in touch to discuss your needs and ideas
+44 796 42 46 108
15 Easterly Park, Braunton, Devon. EX33 2FH